Thursday 2 March 2017

This past one year in Savannah  has been a trans-formative journey with its highs and lows. My outlook has broadened and I have matured reasonably. One of the things that still concerns me is the social politics that surrounds me in my day to day life. I grew up in a simple and close knit family. One with laughter and joy and several upsets. As an albino kid I stood out from all the other kids but, eventually by high school, I managed to pull my self together and got a great group of friends. My passion for arts grew and I learnt that if I do what I love then it wont feel like work. I was fortunate that my parents never pressured me to pursue a career which I did not enjoy and I was loved for who I was. The only thing I did not learn is to be street smart. To distance and tackle people who are demeaning more tactfully. I had some unfortunate experiences too, where I faced narcissistic individuals who I had no escape from, for a while. As much as it was tormenting I realized how important it was to be empathetic and humble. I am grateful for this day and time where Iam being appreciated for my efforts. I wonder how we are in an age where it is so hard to find solace in each other. Why are we not empathetic and why is being polite and affectionate considered a sign of weakness? Why is it so hard to form bonds? Why do we fear showing affection and sharing compassion? In a way I am happy to be out of the street smart lot as it is a competitive world out there. Keeping up with the politics and plotting is hard. But what am I missing? I just wish to share the love and compassion I have, the question is does anyone care for it? Is it such a sad world that I must only reserve my emotions for my beloved and family? Isn't it unfortunate that we have to curb what comes naturally to us? 


  1. Be what you are , there is no point in trying to be what we are not, this world needs politeness and affection especially at a time when everyone else is trying To divide us. Yes there are those who do not appreciate such politeness and affection, but you do not need to change the way you are because of them.Some are meant to live life the way it was meant to be, hard working , clean and simple. Let the plotters , twisted souls be, let them drown themselves in their own negativity. There are still good people left, have faith

  2. Hi Deb, you know you are a good friend :) and yes I will be myself but, I have realized its not enough to be good and have good has to convey them correctly as well and also sometimes one has to learn to mold oneself according to the need of the hour. I wish it was not so complicated but this is the reality.
